Keep a diary, tell your story, write to your Future Self.
This is an easy, secure way to keep a private journal online. After signing up, you'll receive questions to inspire you to keep up with your writing. If you have kids, you can keep a journal for them—for when they grow up and wonder what was going on during their early years. More »
My Future Self is a private journal you will keep via email, sometimes responding to questions about your life, sometimes by sending an email just because you feel like writing down what happened today. You can even mail in photos or short videos.
The only time you'll return to this website will be to explore your journal. When you do come back, what makes this site special is that your stories will automatically be organized by timelines, places, dates, and relationships to give you new ways to visualize the story of your life. More »
Your Future Self is waiting to hear from you! Every now and then, you'll receive a time capsule question. Your response will be sealed away for as little as a year or as long as 5 years. When the waiting period is over, your correspondence will be delivered back to you. Surprise yourself! More »
Just sign up and reply to the questions that arrive in your email.
As your journal grows, you'll 'unlock' additional features and receive tips and instructions on how to come back to this site to explore what you've written.
Need an invitation code? Send a request to
The fine print:
- My Future Self will email you questions from time to time. You will be able to adjust how often this happens, and you can opt-out of this project at any time.
- You writing will be kept secure (encrypted) and private. This site doesn't connect with Facebook, Twitter, etc. so you can't even accidentally make your entries public.
- None of your information will be sold or shared.